Like all good, responsible mommies, I try to limit the amount of tube-time for my munchkins in order to provide a range of learning experiences and creative play. However, I must admit that this mama loves Sid the Science Kid!
A while back we invested in 2 DVDs (in large part for those long road trips when a little distraction is both helpful and necessary!). Change Happens & The Bug Club are chock full of great information for kids at their level presented in a medium that is both educational and entertaining. Great for ages 3-ish to 7, I would highly recommend giving them a preview as you plan your holiday shopping list this year. I've got my eye on Inside and Out & The Ruler of Thumb for my 4 and 5 year olds...great for stocking stuffers! And better yet, Amazon.com is offering many of these titles at a great buy (no, this is not a promo for Amazon, I just happen to find some really great deals there)! If you're looking for some quality educational eye candy this holiday season, these babies from Jim Henson (of Muppets fame) are worth a looky!
Photo courtesy of PBSkids.com
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